How big is a “problem” when we perceive it to be one. When someone says; “ I have an issue”, what does that mean and how critical or insignificant is it. The Course in Miracle says “You have no issues, you only think you do”.
If you are hypnotized and during hypnosis you are told that there is a chair in the middle of your living room where none else sees it, you will be the only one walking around it all your life avoiding it until you are awaken from that hypnotic stage.
What appears to be your reality may not be perceived as being the absolute reality. As an observer of your life, you are the same child who was 5 years old, you are the same person who was 10 years old, 20, 30, 40 and more in your past and you will be the same one who will be observing it in the future with or without your body.
What would be the perception of a human who lives 100 years versus an insect who lives 3 days. From human’s perspective it is a very short 3 days. From an insect’s perception, it is all he knows to be a very long life equating to be 100 years.
So the observer’s perception measures it all. There has been no scientific proof that problems that we define as issues ever exist. All the brain measurement studies have not been able to show anything that we define as problems other than acknowledging that the frequency of the brain activity increases during Beta levels when we deal with non-loving thoughts.
People are constantly tormented by many issues and they seek relief from them, others provide compassion and assistance to relive them from their issues. However, those can also disappear when the observer defining them as a problem ceases that perception and views them from a different angle. This is same as waking up from a hypnotic stage when the subject realizes that there was never a chair in the living room to begin with.
How can we train ourselves to not being fooled by the illusion of the perception that is not considered to be the universal default or the absolute truth? The illusion that makes us to believe that we have issues interrupts our peace, joy and happiness leading to sorrow and pain.
In average , we blink 25 times per minute. That means that we have 25 opportunities in every minute to look at the same situation differently. The scientists have told us that the limited angle of 1 degree of our eyes as view ports are continued to be images via our brain. We see what our brain chooses to fill in the blanks with based on our perception of what is desired to be seen.
So with this new understanding, question the authority of what you may perceive it to be an “issue”. View it from a different angle with the absolute truth of the knowledge that things will change once you choose to change how you look at them. Allow yourself to view things from the universal’s absolute perception of being fearless where unconditional love, compassion and kindness are the only reality.
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves”- Carl Jung
Alex Abossein,
InnerFit, Oasis For Perfect Health